What to Look for when Adopting a New Cat

Adopting a cat can be the beginning of many years of fun and friendship. In fact, you might want to bring two home so they can provide each other with companionship. If you do adopt, our team at Animal Health Services in Columbus, MS, can provide you with vaccinations, routine exams, and more. Here are some tips to help you choose a cat that fits your lifestyle and personality.

Learn the Right Kind of Cats to Look For

Before you embark on pet adoption, it can be helpful to educate yourself about cats. You can learn about how to cat-proof your home and how to prevent medical issues. Doing so can give you extra confidence in taking care of your feline friend or help you see if caring for a cat is something you really want.

Choose a Cat that Fits Your Personality

Similar to humans, cats have personalities. If a cat shows shyness towards you, he would probably be a better fit for a quiet household. The cat you choose should respond to you well and you should be able to get along well with him. An adoption counselor can help you figure out which cat best suits your unique personality.

Consider if the Cat Would Fit Your Lifestyle

The type of lifestyle you live should mesh with your new cat's lifestyle. For one, cats can get lonely without their human companions around. If your day-to-day life consists of a full schedule, then you won't be able to spend much time with your pet.

Check if the Cat Is Healthy

If your new cat has poor health, you might be taking a lot of trips to a veterinarian and your time together might be short. There is nothing inherently wrong about adopting an unhealthy cat but if you do, be sure that you are ready to deal with the extra time and money your new pet might demand.

Get Routine Exams and Pet Vaccinations from a Veterinarian in Columbus, MS

A veterinarian on our veterinary team at Animal Health Services in Columbus, MS, is here to help. Contact us today by calling (662) 328-2821 for more information.

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